Base implementations for handling audio/video I/O streams
Base class for transport implementations that handle audio/video I/O streams.
Constructor Parameters
Name identifier for the input stream
Name identifier for the output stream
Event loop to use for async operations. Defaults to the current running loop.
Returns the input frame processor. Must be implemented by subclasses.
Returns the output frame processor. Must be implemented by subclasses.
Decorator to register an event handler for the specified event. python def event_handler(self, event_name: str)
Adds an event handler function for the specified event.
Configuration parameters for transport audio/video capabilities.
Video Output Configuration
Enable camera output
Whether camera output is live streaming
Camera output width in pixels
Camera output height in pixels
Camera output bitrate in bits/second
Camera output framerate
Camera output color format
Audio Output Configuration
Enable audio output
Audio output sample rate in Hz
Number of audio output channels
Audio output bitrate in bits/second
Audio mixer for output processing
Audio Input Configuration
Enable audio input
Audio input sample rate in Hz
Number of audio input channels
Audio filter for input processing
VAD Configuration
Enable Voice Activity Detection
When the VAD is enabled, determines whether to pass through audio frames. This is required in order to pass through audio if you’re using an STT service and have the VAD enabled.
Voice Activity Detection analyzer. You can set this to either
or WebRTCVADAnalyzer()