Audio noise reduction filter using Koala AI technology from Picovoice
is an audio processor that reduces background noise in real-time audio streams using Koala Noise Suppression technology from Picovoice. It inherits from BaseAudioFilter
and processes audio frames to improve audio quality by removing unwanted noise.
To use Koala, you need a Picovoice access key. Get started at Picovoice Console.
The Koala filter requires additional dependencies:
You’ll also need to set up your Koala access key as an environment variable: KOALA_ACCESS_KEY
Constructor Parameters
Picovoice access key for using the Koala noise suppression service
Input Frames
Specific control frame to toggle filtering on/off
Usage Example
Audio Flow
- Requires Picovoice access key
- Supports real-time audio processing
- Handles 16-bit PCM audio format
- Can be dynamically enabled/disabled
- Maintains audio quality while reducing noise
- Efficient processing for low latency
- Automatically handles audio frame buffering
- Sample rate must match Koala’s required sample rate