Daily REST Helper
Classes and methods for interacting with the Daily API to manage rooms and tokens
Configuration for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) parameters.
Display name for the SIP endpoint
Whether video is enabled for SIP
SIP connection mode
Number of SIP endpoints
Properties that configure a Daily room’s behavior and features.
Room expiration time as Unix timestamp
Whether chat is enabled in the room
Whether emoji reactions are enabled
Whether to eject participants when room expires
Whether dial-out is enabled
SIP configuration parameters
SIP URI configuration
Parameters for creating a new Daily room.
Room name (if not provided, one will be generated)
Room privacy setting (“private” or “public”)
Room configuration properties
Response object representing a Daily room.
Unique room identifier
Room name
Whether the room was created via API
Room privacy setting
Complete room URL
Room creation timestamp
Room configuration
Initialize DailyRESTHelper
Create a new instance of the Daily REST helper.
Your Daily API key
The Daily API base URL
An aiohttp client session for making HTTP requests
Create Room
Creates a new Daily room with specified parameters.
Room configuration parameters including name, privacy, and properties
Get Room From URL
Retrieves room information using a Daily room URL.
The complete Daily room URL
Get Token
Generates a meeting token for a specific room.
The complete Daily room URL
Token expiration time in seconds
Whether the token should have owner privileges
Delete Room By URL
Deletes a room using its URL.
The complete Daily room URL
Delete Room By Name
Deletes a room using its name.
The name of the Daily room
Get Name From URL
Extracts the room name from a Daily room URL.
The complete Daily room URL